Key Takeaways

  • If you're shopping around for Medicare Part D drug plan, you should consider several things other than costs.

  • This checklist will help you look at Part D plans' formularies, networks, convenience, and more to aid your decision-making.

If you're shopping around for Medicare prescription drug coverage, it can be a mistake to simply look at just costs. Instead, you should weigh several factors in choosing a Part D plan:

  • Does this plan cover my drugs? Are my drugs covered specifically for my condition?
  • If it doesn’t cover a drug I take, does it cover one that will work for me? (Ask your doctor.)
  • How much will I pay at the pharmacy for the drugs I need?
  • What costs should I expect to pay for my drug coverage (premiums, deductibles, copayments)?
  • Are my pharmacies preferred and in-network?
  • Will enrolling in this plan affect my existing drug/health coverage?
  • Does this plan place any coverage restrictions on my covered drugs?

Use this Medicare Part D plan checklist (created with the Medicare Rights Center) to help assess your plan options for coverage and costs when making decisions about which plan may be best suited to your needs.