Key Takeaways
Medicare has specific rules and requirements around how it covers hospital discharge planning and transitions from hospitals to home/other facilities.
Being classified as an inpatient or outpatient when staying overnight in the hospital plays a significant role in what services Medicare covers following hospitalization.
Original Medicare has parts that cover different health care services and items. Part A, also known as hospital insurance, covers inpatient hospital care, skilled nursing facility (SNF) care, home health care services, and hospice care. These services are also covered by Medicare Advantage Plans.
Medicare Part B, not Part A, covers physicians’ services received while in the hospital and outpatient hospital care.
Medicare has specific rules and requirements around how it covers hospital discharge planning and transitions from hospitals to home/other facilities. It is especially important to know whether you are an inpatient or an outpatient because it can affect your out-of-pocket care costs while in the hospital, your out-of-pocket drug costs, and your access to skilled nursing facility care after your stay.
Learn more about the discharge planning process in this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document developed for us by the Medicare Rights Center.