Key Takeaways

  • Falls prevention programs are shown to reduce the risk of falls, fear of falling, and falls-related injuries among older adults. 

  • The Administration for Community Living has been offering grants since 2014 for the implementation and sustainability of falls prevention programs. 

  • Grant recipients represent different organizations throughout the United States with specific goals and activities to reach their target population.

The Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging (ACL/AoA) began awarding grants to state and tribal grantees in 2014 to address the growing number of adult falls.  Grants have been awarded to public and private nonprofit organizations in the United States, as well as state agencies, community-based organizations, universities, and tribal entities.  

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among adult ages 65 years and older.  Recipients of this grant strive to expand, implement, and sustain evidence-based falls prevention programs in their community and state, which have been proven to reduce falls, fear of falling, and falls-related injuries among older adults.  Read the grantee profiles from each cohort to learn more about their falls prevention goals and activities.  

2021 Grantees

2020 Grantees

2019 Grantees

2018 Grantees