Key Takeaways

  • Sandy Perry broke her leg as a result of a fall on a winter day in New Hampshire.

  • People who fall often limit their activities, which can result in physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater.

  • Learn how the evidence-based falls prevention programs Tai Chi and A Matter of Balance transformed her life.

After suffering from repeated falls and a broken femur, Sandy Perry from Madison, New Hampshire, relied on a walker and felt isolated from her community. She enrolled in two evidence-based fall prevention classes: A Matter of Balance and Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance.

After completing the strength, balance, and exercise programs, Sandy no longer needs a walker or cane and feels confident in her ability to prevent a fall. She is now a certified class instructor for both programs and proudly calls herself an “earth muffin.”

Learn more about Sandy’s transformation by watching the video below.