Key Takeaways

  • Did you know that one in five victims of a financial scam in the U.S. is aged 60+?

  • Seniors Against Scams is a financial safety education program that helps older adults understand why they're at risk, the types of scams to be aware of, and how they can protect themselves.

  • The materials available here are free to download for virtual or in-person workshops.

Seniors Against Scams, an education curriculum that highlights popular scams targeting vulnerable older adults and offers next steps for those who experience financial fraud, is now available for you to hold at your senior center.

Four nationally accredited senior centers piloted the National Council on Aging (NCOA)-designed program. This program is part of a national partnership with Walmart and the NCOA. The goal is to empower older adults to recognize when they are being targeted and to protect themselves against financial fraud through in-person workshops at local senior centers.

Discussing vulnerability to scams can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for any generation. Although older adults may be interested in learning how to manage and protect their money, they may resist sharing their financial management choices. It is comforting to frame this training as empowering the individual to take advantage of available resources and begin making incremental steps to ensure their economic security by being proactive in safeguarding their money.

Download Materials to Host a Workshop at Your Senior Center