Key Takeaways
The pandemic has changed a lot of things. One thing that's still the same? Falling is NOT a normal part of aging.
Share steps that older adults can take to reduce their risk.
Participate in Falls Prevention Awareness Week, September 20-24, 2021.
Campaign Banner
The 2020 campaign featured a new Falls Free CheckUp where older adults can answer 12 simple questions to get their falls risk score and steps to reduce their risk. Download the banner to promote the new tool.
Get everything you need to spread the word, including a planning calendar; a sample calendar announcement, advisory, and press release; and tips and sample scripts to pitch reporters.
Social Media
Copy and paste these posts and images to your organization's Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages.
Customizable Posters
Hosting a live or virtual event in your community? We’ve created posters for you to customize to advertise it.
Videos & Photos
Scroll through our YouTube playlist and share videos with the older adults you serve. You also can use photos from our recent photo contests.
PowerPoint Presentation
Find tips and resources to use this sample presentation to discuss falls prevention with older adults at a live or virtual event.
Download and share these images that communicate important steps to prevent falls. You can include them on your social media pages or in email communications.
Spanish Language Materials
Are you serving Spanish-speaking older adults? Share our Spanish language resources.
- Chequeo Contra Caídas
- 6 Pasos para Proteger de una Caída a su Ser Querido Adulto Mayor
- Las Herramientas de las Redes Sociales
- Campaign Banner in Spanish (below for download)
- Spanish language social media images (below for download)

- Governor Proclamation Template
Falls Prevention Legislative Updates
- Age+Action Conference Session
- Senate Hearing
- Senate Report
- Issue Brief: Falls Prevention Funding
- Falls Prevention Fact Sheet
Handouts for Older Adults
- Falls Prevention Conversation Guide for Caregivers
- Debunking the Myths of Older Adult Falls
- 6 Steps to Protect Your Older Loved One from a Fall
- Osteoporosis, Falls, and Broken Bones
- Osteoarthritis and Falls
- Medication Record Form
Resources from Our Partners
- CDC My Mobility Plan
- CDC STEADI Materials for Healthcare Providers
- ASCP-NCOA Falls Risk Reduction Toolkit for Pharmacists
- APTA Balance and Falls
- AOTA Falls Prevention Toolkits
Past Highlights
Get ideas for 2021 by reviewing how other states marked Falls Prevention Awareness Day in past years. See the impact reports.
Falls Prevention Awareness Week is made possible in part by a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living.