Key Takeaways

  • The Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (wCDSMP), developed by the Self-Management Resource Center (SMRC), has been reviewed and approved as Title III-D eligible by the Evidence-Based Program Review Council.

  • NCOA has added this program to the National CDSME Database. If you wish to include wCDSMP as one of your target programs and it was not included in your grant proposal, please check with your ACL program officer.

  • Review this guidance for manually entering wCDSMP into the National CDSME Database and how to add it to the data importing template for migrating data from other databases or files.

The Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management (wCDSMP), developed by the Self-Management Resource Center (SMRC) is Title III-D eligible following review by the Evidence-Based Review Council.  This document provides guidance for manually entering wCDSMP into the National CDSME Database and how to add it to the data importing template for migrating data from other databases or files.

As a reminder, note that there are 3 form types in the National CDSME Database:

  1. Standard (for 6-session SMRC programs)
  2. Alternate 1 (for all other programs with various delivery formats and number of sessions), and
  3. Alternate 2 (for Walk With Ease & Camine Con Gusto, which have extensive pre and post-test questions)

Unlike the other SMRC programs, which consist of weekly meetings over 6 sessions, wCDSMP is delivered over 12 sessions, and participants complete a one-hour class twice per week over 6 weeks. Attendance in 8 of 12 sessions is considered to be completion in the program.

To track completion rates correctly, wCDSMP is assigned to the “Alternate 1” program form (shown below). The ‘Standard’ (6 session) and the “Alternate 1” forms are identical, except for the way that attendance and completion is tracked. This designation requires that the program leaders/staff indicate the total number of “Encounters” of 12 possible encounters on the participant paperwork and in their online record. An encounter is equivalent to a session.

Submitting wCDSMP Data in Migration Template

When sending NCOA data by way of the data import process through a vendor or from a secondary data source, be sure that wCDSMP is listed on the Tab labeled ‘Alternate Participant’ in the Data Migration Excel Template. Each participant (row) should have the ‘Encounters’ column completed, indicating the total number of encounters (sessions) they attended of 12. An encounter is equivalent to a session. Immediately adjacent to this column, designate whether the participant is considered to be a completer by selecting YES (if they completed at least 8 of 12 encounters), or NO (completed less than 8 encounters).

Manual Data Entry

When creating a workshop under your Implementation Site, select ‘Workplace CDSMP’ in the dropdown menu. This automatically redirects you to the “Alternate 1” form. Data entry users will need to indicate the total number of encounters of 12 possible encounters in the system. They would then indicate with either a YES or NO whether they were completers. YES, if they had at least 8 to 12 encounters, and NO if they completed less than 8 encounters (or sessions).

Alternate 1 Form

Standard Form