Key Takeaways
Over 5 million older adults are enrolled in SNAP, but millions more may be eligible and missing out on the benefit.
Use these tools to conduct SNAP outreach with seniors and help them enroll in food assistance.
Add your agency's contact information to this brochure to download and print. Use the brochure to educate seniors about what SNAP is, how it will help them put healthy food on the table, and how to apply.
Distribute this infographic to help dispel common myths that discourage older adults from applying for SNAP.
Customizable print materials
Encourage older adults in your community to apply for SNAP with our customizable materials. Distribute these materials in places where older adults gather, shop, learn, work, and access other services.
This flyer, poster, and placemat can be filled in with your state's name and the number of older adults who are receiving help from SNAP (and if your state uses another name for SNAP, be sure to change that, too!). To get an estimate of how many seniors are enrolled in SNAP in your state, use our SNAP participation tool.
Sample messages for social media and newsletters
Spread the word about the benefits of SNAP for seniors with these sample messages for Facebook, Twitter, and newsletters.
Don't forget to check out our page with graphics you can download to tell seniors why to #getSNAP.

Marketing tips
Get tips on how to get the word out about BenefitsCheckUp®, a free online tool that screens seniors for SNAP and helps them apply.
These materials were developed with generous support from the Walmart Foundation.